Intake Evaluations for Time Savvy Therapists

Starting a therapy relationship isn't easy...

The therapeutic alliance is so critical for successful therapy, but research shows that 1 in 3 patients never form an alliance with up to half of patients dropping out at early stages of treatment. At the start of the care journey, therapists have to work hard to quickly build rapport, create treatment plans, and complete time consuming intake paperwork. And let's face it, the one thing therapists don't have is time.

InCourage Patient Intake

Personalized evaluations to build a foundation for understanding

Rather than cramming crucial patient insights into a brief consultation, our platform offers a personalized intake evaluation - catered to each patient’s unique story. In addition to covering topics like treatment history, cultural factors, social factors, risk factors, and more, we administer evidence-based assessment protocols such as the PHQ-9, GAD-7, and C-NIP to help you meet your patients where they are in a user-friendly, HIPAA compliant, empathetic chat setting.

InCourage Therapist Insights

Decoding patient nuances with AI powered precision

InCourage harnesses the power of AI to translate patient intake evaluations into actionable treatment plans. We pinpoint precise insights including therapy preferences, presenting issues, acuity, and treatment recommendations whle seamlessly integrating with your practice management (EHR) software to keep your documentation organized and secure. We also offer a Q&A interface to let you ask any question you have about a patient evaluation so you can seamlessly pre-screen for DSM-5 criteria, jumpstart tailored treatment planning, and build a comprehensive early understanding of your patient - all before session one